Celebrating! I started out to create a take-action journal with D’vorah and ended up with three take-action workbooks for genre writers. They are all available on Amazon.com. Yay! And thanks D’vorah for the guidance and inspiration. Here are my new titles:
Writing Mysteries: A Take-Action Workbook
This book is your desk-top companion on your mystery-writing journey.Well-designed tools created especially for your genre will guide your creativity and keep you inspired. In this workbook, you can record details about your characters, your plot plans, your notes on setting, and anything else you need to regularly refer to as you create your story. This workbook also includes journal pages where you can reflect on and celebrate your work plus a calendar to track your progress.All your notes, thoughts, questions, planning—all in one place.Inside this book you will find worksheets, planners, and journal pages to help you develop characters, find your story, and reflect on the process. Use this book to schedule your writing time, beat writer’s block with a little coloring, and best of all, get the words on the page as you’ve been dreaming them.
Other publications in the series:
– Writing Romance: A Take-Action Workbook
– Writing Fantasy: A Take-Action Workbook.
About Heather: Heather Wright is a writing coach who loves working with writers of all ages. Many of her 25 books are designed to help writers find their stories and get the writing done.Heather worked for many years in companies, both local and global in scope, and now runs her own freelance writing business. Her 25 years of teaching English and Communications, plus years of writing for business, helped Heather develop the communication skill set that she shares in her Better Business Communications books.Heather’s stories for children and teens have been published in Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Teens and by Caramel Tree Publishing. Heather enjoys presenting writing workshops and visiting classrooms, sharing useful writing tips and encouraging participants to ‘get writing.’Heather has received three Writer’s Reserve grants from the Ontario Arts Council for ongoing work on books for young readers.
Testimonial from Heather About D’vorah’s Take-Action Journal Writing and Publishing Course – “D’vorah’s classe have never failed to inspire, and I have the books and the online course to prove it. I’ve enjoyed a one-on-one conversation that helped me sharpen my focus and encouraged me to get ‘er done—which I did! Her training sessions don’t just inspire creative ideas, but her attention to detail and great tips, also help me design material that is professional, pleasing to the eye, and reader-friendly.“
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