Featured Products and Programs

  • Course Creation Champions Program
    The Course Creation Champions program is designed to help you easily create courses and / or workshops, based on your knowledge and expertise. You'll receive instant access to comprehensive, step-by-step training, done-for-you course templates, an interactive discussion forum, and more.
  • Canva Design Camp
    Harness the power of Canva and create products with comfort and ease. In this interactive program, you'll learn how to create several products and utilize a variety of design techniques, using the free, online program called Canva. Editable templates and hands on instruction are included.
  • PowerPoint Design Camp Program
    Harness the power of PowerPoint and create products with comfort and ease. Discover fun and simple ways to use PowerPoint as a design tool. You'll learn how to set your products apart by using unique strategies to add color and design to your products. This program is for students at all levels.
  • Create a 7-Day Challenge Experience
    Harness the power of your knowledge and experience to help people overcome challenges they face. Provide a fun and profitable way to introduce your audience to your brilliance. What you take as second nature, people will pay for to learn. Create your own 7-day challenge experience, in record time.
  • Creative Cards Design Camp
    Printable Cards are hugely popular and can be used in a wide variety of ways. From Gratitude and Affirmation Cards, to Goals Cards, to Educational Cards, to Reminder & Routine Cards, the opportunities are endless. Card-based products can be sold in your shop and you can use them as tools and resources for your students and clients. Card-based products are great companions to journals and workbooks and can even be used to walk participants, step-by-step, through a challenge experience program.
  • Kindle Quick Start Program
    Traditional books can often take months or years to write. But that does not have to be the case for you. In this self-paced Kindle program, you can have your manuscript written and ready to publish, in a matter of days! Action Guides and step-by-step instructions are included.
  • Lavender and Teal Undated Planner
    This colorful, 8.5"x11" Undated Planner can help you plan and keep organized all month long. Included in this pack you'll find: Editable, PowerPoint source files, and Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Productivity and Notes pages. Commercial Use Rights are included.
    Just $9 with code Planner50 (Normally $18)
  • Undated Monthly Habit Tracker with Commercial Use Rights
    Your monthly mandala habit trackers are designed to help develop healthy habits over time. The monthly habit trackers are circular in shape and are adorned with attractive mandala images. Each tracker includes numbered columns as well as multiple rows. You'll be able to customize your tracker as you decide what you’ll be tracking. This commercial use product includes: PDF version, PowerPoint source files, Commercial Use License, and an Image version of each page. Use the templates to create any number of products.
  • Design Kit #1 - Golden Plum Collection: Workshop & Templates
    The Golden Plum Design Kit provides you with a collection of elements in image and PDF format. Instructions are included, with tips on how to pull these elements into your favorite graphic design programs and/or your favorite Word processing programs. This design kit comes with commercial use rights.
  • Design Kit #2 - Calendar Design Kit: Workshop & Templates
    In this workshop, you'll learn how to use the included done-for-you Calendar Design Kit to create a variety of products. Once you've created your products, you can replicate the templates to create an unlimited number of products in a variety of colors and themes. Commercial use rights are included.
  • Workshop & Template Pack: Ten Cool Tools in Canva
    Canva has added many new "power tools" to its collection of fun and easy to use online, content creation software program. In this workshop we'll explore ten cool tools, how to use them, and things you can do with them. You'll then be able to further harness the power of Canva as you create content for your projects and products.
  • Workshop: How to Create Worksheets & Checklists
    In this workshop, you'll discover how to easily create worksheets and checklists. You can use the templates and the strategies you learn to create subscriber gifts, freebies, course content, products (such as planners and journals.) and workbooks for your own business. An editable Template Pack, with commercial use rights, is included.
  • Workshop & Templates: Brain Dump Pages for Productivity
    In this workshop you'll discover ways to streamline activities, reduce overwhelm, and help others to do the same. With all that we have on our plates and in our minds, it can be challenging to keep focused on what's most important. By using brain dump pages, you'll reduce overwhelm and accomplish more. The Companion Template Pack includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Challenge Experience Products

    In this workshop, you'll discover how providing challenge experience products and programs to your audience can shine the light on your expertise, while providing them with solutions to challenges they face. You'll also receive a companion collection of templates, which come with commercial use rights. You can use these to design your own challenge experience products and programs.

    Create Challenge Experience Products provides hands-on training and a demonstration along with a 42-page workbook and Commercial Use Template Pack. 8.5" x 11" files come in both PDF and in PowerPoint. Black and White and Full Color Versions are provided. During the training you'll discover multiple ways to repurpose as well as easily recolor the content.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create an Actionable Learning Library
    In this workshop you'll discover ways to benefit from courses and workshops that you’ve registered for but may have forgotten about or may not have fully utilized. Get ready to harness the power of the trainings and programs you’ve invested in as you create an easy to access Learning Library that can turbocharge your success.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create Habit Tracker Products
    In this workshop you'll discover a wide variety of different types of habit trackers. From tracking your water intake, to managing your medications, to tracking your daily activities, habit trackers provide ways of being accountable and mindful. The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create Products for Countless Holidays
    In this workshop we'll explore the seemingly limitless number of holidays and occasions that take place throughout the year. We'll look at ways to create product templates that you can replicate countless times, for a wide variety of occasions! The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Design Time Capsule Products
    In this workshop you'll learn how to create keepsake products that people will treasure for years to come. We’ll explore a variety of product ideas, which are designed to also spark more ideas for you! The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Goal Setting All Year Long
    In this Goal Setting workshop we’ll explore goal setting templates for various time periods and for various occasions. Use these templates in your own life and business and/or offer them for sale to your customers or for use by your students or clients. The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights so you can create and sell an unlimited number of products.
  • Workshop & Templates: Goal Setting Strategies & Products
    In the Goal Setting Strategies & Products Workshop, you'll have access to training and goal setting templates. People who set and focus on their goals, accomplish much more than those who don’t. Learn unique ways to track your activity and results and discover a variety of goal setting products you can create. The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop: How to Create Customized Goal Cards
    In this workshop we’ll explore a variety of ways to create goal cards. Goal cards can encompass many concepts such as: vision boards, affirmation cards, goals and dreams, and more. This skill can enable you to design custom goal cards for yourself, your family, your shop, and as companions to your products and programs. These templates will be a great addition to your content creation library.
  • Workshop & Templates: Desktop Organizer Wallpaper
    In this workshop, you'll discover a unique way to become more organized, reduce clutter, and become more productive.. Desktop Organizers can help you focus on what matters most. Desktop organizers can be used for your business as well as for your home life. The editable Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Mix n' Match Templates
    During this training we'll look at a variety of ways that you can pull pages from a variety of files that you have the rights to (such as content you've created as well as commercial use products you own) to create countless new products.
    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable PowerPoint source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Wonderful Widgets & Page Layouts

    This month's featured Content Creation Workshop: Wonderful Widgets and Page Layouts. In this workshop we'll explore how to use shapes and tables to create unique page layouts for your printable and digital planners, worksheets, workbooks, journals, etc. We'll also look at ways to embellish these elements, to use as described above as well as to sell as stand-alone products.

    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable source files, however you can use and sell the content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create a "Do Something" Series
    During this training you’ll discover ways to come up with ideas both… for planner pages as well as for titles in a series. Publishing a series of products can boost your income and help you to identify types of products to publish in the future.
    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable PowerPoint source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Terrific To-Do List Templates
    In this workshop you'll discover different types of to-do lists that you can use for a variety of reasons. To-do lists are great to add to existing printable and digital products and they make great course resources and opt-in gifts. You'll receive an editable, PowerPoint template, so you can customize these lists for your projects and products. The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Workbook Workflow Workshop

    In this workshop, we'll explore ways to come up with ideas for workbooks, that your students and customers will love. Workbooks can be fantastic tools to help people to accomplish goals, learn new skills, and overcome challenges they face.
    Here's just some of what we'll cover: The power of worksheets and workbooks, How you can benefit by creating worksheets, How your audience can benefit from your worksheets, How you can turn your worksheets into a workbook, Develop a workflow for developing worksheets, We'll Have a Demonstration on: How transform ideas in worksheets, And of course I'll have some Action Steps for you.
    ​The editable Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create Custom Tracking Journals
    Having ways to track your activity and your results can help you to achieve and accomplish more. Tracking journals also make great products to sell and they can serve as valuable resources for your students, clients, and customers. In this workshop, we'll focus on ways to design custom tracking journals. An editable Template Pack, with commercial use rights, is included.
  • Workshop & Templates: Project Planners for Productivity
    In this workshop we'll focus on ways to effectively plan out and prioritize your projects. Discover strategies to help you keep track of your projects. You'll discover ways to get more done while reducing overwhelm. An editable Template Pack, with commercial use rights, is included and can be used to create unlimited products, to use or sell.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create Landscape Facing Products
    In this workshop you’ll discover a variety of ways to create landscape facing products and planners. Landscape facing pages are attractive. They open up worlds of possibilities for your products. This type of product is unique and can set you apart in the marketplace.
    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable PowerPoint source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Create Products from Checklists
    In this workshop we’ll look at ways to transform checklists (that you've created or have the rights to) into a variety of different, coordinated products. We’ll also draw from commercial use Journal prompts as another source of rich content to build a series of products around.
    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable PowerPoint source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Workshop & Templates: Journal Prompt Journals
    In this workshop we’ll explore the possibilities that journal prompt journals provide. Journal prompt journals are fun to create and loved by customers.
    The Companion Template Pack for this workshop includes commercial use rights. You may Not sell the editable PowerPoint source files, however you can use and sell the uneditable content created from these templates.
  • Misty Blush Planner & Template Pack (with Commercial Use Rights)
    This attractive, Misty Blush Planner, is designed to help you keep organized and focused on the things that are important most in your life. This undated 48-page planner includes daily, weekly and monthly sections. Each month you can print out the pages you need.
      Included in this Commercial you'll find:
    • Terms of Use File
    • - 48-Page Printable Planner: 8.5” x 11” PDF File
    • - 48-Page Editable PowerPoint Source File
    • - 48 Planner Pages - Image Version
    • - 6 Commercial Use, Color-Coordinated Digital Paper
    • - 7 Commercial Use, Color-Coordinated Clip Art Images
    This Product Includes Personal Use Rights and Commercial Use Rights. You may edit and brand the materials as your own and use or resell the completed versions in PDF or image format.


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