Discover a Fun and Powerful Way to Create an Online Training Program, Based on Your Knowledge and Expertise!
Online training programs continue to gain in popularity and they provide a powerful way for you to grow your business and your brand, simply by sharing your knowledge and expertise. What comes naturally to you (after years or decades of study and application) others are eager to learn.
Think about it... what would it have meant to you, when you were first getting started in your field, to have someone like you walk you through the process to help you shortcut the journey?
Now, more than ever, knowing how to create, deliver and sell online training programs can have a huge and positive impact on your life and income and on the lives of those who would benefit from your knowledge and experience.
One of the easiest ways to develop this type of learning opportunity is to walk people through a simple process and provide them with bite-size action steps... as part of a "Challenge" type of program.
That's why I've designed the 7-Day Challenge Experience.
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your challenge idea out of your head and off of your computer hard drive, and into the world.

You'll be able to create your challenge program, in record time! What you'll end up with at the end of the 7-Day Challenge Experience is a take-action program that meets at the intersection of your knowledge and expertise and the needs and challenges of your ideal audience.
Share your knowledge and expertise with the world. There are so many people who would benefit by what is second nature to you. Think about it, you didn't get where you are in one day. It likely took years of study and hard work.
What if you had had the opportunity to shortcut your journey by studying with someone who was where you wanted to be? Think of how much time and money you'd have saved.
Well... you can offer that opportunity to your students and help them achieve more in less time. There are people who are eager and thirsty to know what you know, and they are willing to pay you for it.
How This Program Differs from Our Challenge Products Workshop
Our NEW, multi-module, 7-Day Challenge Experience Program, is designed to help you create your very own challenge experience program, based on your knowledge and the needs of your audience. You'll learn how to choose your topic, create a laser-focused outline, develop training and materials, prepare your challenge program for delivery and set up your platform so you can begin enrolling participants.
In the past, we offered a one-hour workshop with a similar title. But, the focus of that training was on how to create products for challenges. Our new program, which is described on this page, goes WAY beyond that!
Join Us for This Exciting New Program and Prepare to Share Your Wisdom with People Who Are Eager to Learn How to Overcome Challenges They Face!
Kudos from a Colleague

I give D'vorah's "Create a 7-Day Challenge Experience" my highest recommendation: This is training that's well worth your time.
"If you're looking for an easy and rewarding way to get your ideas in front of your audience, then D'vorah's "Create a 7-Day Challenge Experience" is THE course you're looking for.
This step-by-step, easy-to-follow, and inspiring training is NOT about creating challenges: It's about creating a CHALLENGE EXPERIENCE for your audience, and THAT is so MUCH MORE POWERFUL.
I'd completely missed that subtle difference until I followed D'vorah's training, but now I understand just how much BETTER setting my customers' up for SUCCESS with an EXPERIENCE is - all thanks to D'vorah's course.
Think about it: The term "challenge" sounds like work, which is something many people want to avoid, but a CHALLENGE EXPERIENCE is all about the OUTCOME, and THAT is something I know my customers (and YOURS) will LOVE.
Get ready to be INSPIRED by this course, to learn the SIMPLE KEYS to creating the kind of content ONLY YOU can deliver, and to INSPIRE your customers to EXPERIENCE SUCCESS with simple-to-create challenges. With "Create a 7-Day Challenge Experience," you won't wonder where to begin, what to do next, or how to deliver a REWARDING, PROFITABLE Challenge Experience to your customers over and over again."
-Shawn Hansen, Owner of Quick & Easy Creative Content
Examples of Types of Challenges You Could Create
You can offer a challenge program on just about any topic imaginable. To maximize the benefits to you and your audience, it's ideal to offer a challenge on a topic you are passionate about, have experience with and that your audience would benefit from.
Ways YOU can benefit by offering challenge programs. Challenge programs can provide you with a way to grow your list, your income and your business. This will position you as a leader in your field and can lead to guest speaking and blogging opportunities. Challenge programs also offer a great way for you to connect with participants while providing them with access to your knowledge and expertise.
Ways your AUDIENCE can benefit by participating challenge programs. Challenge participants receive solutions to problems or challenges they are experiencing. This can help them in their life and in their business. They can connect with others who they have things in common with and they can discover and build a relationship with a mentor (you) that can help them on their journey.
You may have seen challenges being offers such as:
- 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge
- 30-Day List Building Challenge
- 7-Day Productivity Challenge
What is your audience struggling with that you can provide a solution to? A challenge program offers a transformational experience. Here is a list of just some of the limitless possibilities:
Healthy Living
- Walking Challenge
- Meditation Challenge
- Low Carb Challenge
- Exercise Challenge
- Low Tech Challenge
Online Marketing
- Blogging Challenge
- Facebook Challenge
- Instagram Challenge
- Pinterest Challenge
- YouTube Challenge
- To-Do List Challenge
- Writing Challenge
- Brain Dump Challenge
- Self-Esteem Challenge
- Journaling Challenge
Enjoy This Collection of Special Bonuses
Get Ready to Create a Challenge Experience for Your Audience!
Here's What We'll Cover in This Take Action Program
7-Day Challenge Journal
Use this resource to help you track your activity and results, as you develop your Challenge Experience!

Bonus Challenge Templates
Enjoy this collection of templates for 7, 21, 30, 60 and 90-day challenge programs, that you create!

Launch Your Challenge
In this bonus training you'll discover ways to launch your challenge and welcome students to your program!

You get access to the Training and Templates as soon as you register.
All Content is Available On-Demand - No Dates to Worry About
7-Day Challenge Experience Program

Get Instant Access to This Entire Program
Just $147
Get Ready to Create a Challenge Experience for Your Audience!
Here's What We'll Cover in This Take Action Program
By going through this training and taking action on what you learn, you'll be able to create your own 7-day challenge program. This framework can then be used as the foundation for future challenge programs you create, of any length and on any topic.
Step 1: Explore Challenge Options: Challenge experience programs can be on any topic imaginable, as you'll discover in this lesson's training and handouts. You've likely noticed (on the Internet and in your email box) many different types of challenges being offered. In this module, we'll explore popular online content repositories and look at ways to search for a variety of different types of challenges. This exercise is designed to help spark ideas for your challenge!

Step 2: Identify the Topic for Your Challenge Program: A challenge experience walks people through a step-by-step process and provides them with solutions to challenges they face. The most effective challenge experiences are those that meet at the intersection of: your why, your areas of expertise, and challenges your audience faces. The best topic for your challenge is something that is of interest to you that will help to solve your audience’s problems. In this module you have access to training and materials to help you identify the topic for your challenge.

Step 3: Create Your Challenge Outline: In this module we'll focus on tips for creating an outline for your challenge program. You'll discover how creating an outline can help you to identify the sequence and prepare you to develop the content for each day or step of your program. Even if you are not sure where to begin, the training and materials in this module will help you to identify and develop an outline which will walk your participants through a series of steps to help them achieve the goals of your challenge experience program.

Step 4: Develop Your Challenge Lessons: Once you’ve developed the outline for your program, the next step is to expand on it in order to create content for each day or step of your program. To help your participants to take action, create a framework for the first step, and replicate that throughout your program. This creates consistency and can help with building momentum. The essence of a challenge program is to provide bite-size steps that lead towards achieving a manageable goal. The training and materials in this model will walk you through this process.

Step 5: Create Handouts for Your Challenge Experience:
Challenge handouts add much value to your program and they can help your participants to engage and take action. Handouts can include things like: Worksheets, checklists, journal pages, colorful graphics with words to represent each step of your challenge as well as audio or video recordings, that provide training and action steps. Included along with this lesson’s training, you'll receive an editable workbook template that you can use as is or use as inspiration to design handouts and materials for your challenge.

Step 6: Create Videos for Your Challenge Program:
Providing video content for your challenge is of course optional. It does however provide another layer of content and allows participants to hear your voice and make a connection with you. Videos can be of you, talking to the camera as well as of a slideshow that provides a visual presentation that you speak to. The training and video template materials in this module, will demonstrate how easy it can be to record videos for your challenge program.

Step 7: Deliver and Launch Your Challenge: Once you’ve created your challenge materials, it’s time to prepare them for delivery. There are many ways to provide participants with access to your challenge. You can write up the content and deliver it via email. The emails can stand alone or you can provide links to handouts and/or videos. Another option is to upload your challenge materials to your website or an online teaching platform. In this module, we’ll explore a variety of options and look at ways to make your materials as accessible as possible, to your participants.

You get access to the Training and Templates as soon as you register.
All Content is Available On-Demand - No Dates to Worry About
7-Day Challenge Experience Program

Get Instant Access to This Entire Program
Just $147
Meet Your Instructor - D'vorah Lansky M.Ed.

D'vorah Lansky, M.Ed. is a bestselling author and course creation specialist. She has published over 35 books and 40 online training programs. Since 2007 she has taught thousands of authors and entrepreneurs across the globe, how to transform their knowledge into books, workbooks, products and online courses.
D'vorah specializes in helping her students and clients to share their unique gifts and their brilliance with the world, by creating content that's designed to grow their reach, their visibility and their business.
What Students Are Saying About This Challenge Experience

"The Create a 7-Day Challenge Experience is a great course that helped me understand what a Challenge should really be about. As usual, Dvorah included very complete workbooks to help me through the process. They are flexible enough that I can use them for "steps" instead of "days," as well as for a 2-week or 30-day challenge. Best of all, recommendations on how to sell and market your challenge are included. One more thing to help my Etsy shop stand out!"
-Nancy Scanlan, Etsy Shop Owner @ LongerHealthierLife
"Once again, I'm blown away by D'vorah's teaching. She is so thorough, and her step-by-step process can even be followed by beginners. She's an outstanding trainer, and I would recommend this course to anyone. As a result of participating in this program I created a 5-Day Organize Your Money House Challenge. D'vorah's course took me from overwhelmed to organized! Thank you!!!"
-Christina Deptulski, Business Coach

"As a previous student of D’vorah’s, it really was a no-brainer to sign up for Create A 7-Day Challenge Experience. The decision was also helped by the fact it aligned with my goal for the first quarter of the year. Her training is clear and thorough with a gentle approach always encouraging and inspiring. I love that I can watch the replays of her training at a time that works best for me without feeling like I am being left behind. Any questions I have are always answered promptly.
Her depth of knowledge and openness to sharing her own experiences with her students is something I value. This is what inspires me to explore options for making an income from creating digital products. D'vorah has the knack to instill belief in yourself."
Kim Wright, Etsy Shop Owner @UrbanFlossy

"I am very glad to be participating in this challenge. We are getting so much terrific information! This course is a very beneficial way to learn while doing. We are learning through training and our own hands-on experience, what is required to create a good challenge. Seeing various options that are available as we progress enables us to refine our content and sparks new ideas. Furthermore, we will be able to adapt our training to other types of products that we create in the future."
-Mary Simpson, Etsy Shop Owner @ MarysplaceDesigns

"D'vorah does a remarkable job breaking down the steps for creating your challenge. She always delivers more than expected. She explains everything in detail, which makes it easier to follow. In this training D'vorah also teaches you the different ways you can deliver your challenge and gives you examples of platforms that are available. Not only is D'vorah an amazing teacher, but she always encourages her students, she's a positive light. I confidently recommend her courses."
-Luisa Falsetto

"I'm beyond happy with the opportunity to take D'vorah's Challenge Program. She excels at taking you through the process step-by-step and with such clarity that all the guess work is removed. Plus, you get a system that you can easily replicate moving forward. Definitely a 10-out-of-10 score. I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to create a challenge or challenge products!"
-Aileen O'Day, Etsy Shop Owner @ BohoBeachyMama
What Students of Our Share Your Brilliance Courses Are Saying

"Being in D’vorah’s programs helped me leap into action on things I had been wanting to get to. The inspiration and accountability she provides for her students create a haven of safety for your creativity to flourish, making you want to try new things. Her teaching style is quite thorough, clear, and always on point. I simply LOVE being in her programs! I always learn so much from her training."
-Patti Fagan, Etsy Shop Owner @CreateBlissToday

“I have taken a number of courses with D'vorah. I really enjoy her teaching style. She breaks everything down into logical steps with worksheets and easy to follow action steps. D'vorah doesn’t just bring the knowledge but draws from personal experience as to what works and what doesn’t, saving her students valuable time. She inspires us to take action and implement her teaching.”
-Agi Kadar, author of Are You a Gym Mouse

"Taking a training course by D'vorah Lansky is like eating Belgian chocolate-covered multivitamin gummy bears. Rewarding, delightful, and good for you too! My imagination and motivation has been ignited. D'vorah promises step-by-step training and she delivers! She is thorough, patient, and cares about each individual in the program. She is committed to our success as students. I'm excited about the possibilities and highly recommend all of the D'vorah's training programs. Well worth the investment."
-Tracy Crookston Tennant, Mother of Ten & Etsy Shop Owner

"D'vorah Lansky is the best online educator I’ve ever learned from. Her classes are engaging and compelling, and her delivery is measured, logical, and clear. D’vorah teaches with passion, energy, and real concern for her students’ comprehension and for their success."
-Dr. Kathryn Collins, author of How Healthy is Your Doctor?

"Looking for an authentic and knowledgeable teacher? I highly recommend D'vorah Lansky. Her concise and to the point style is refreshing. Her expertise and step by step, look over her shoulder methodology is literally a blessing."
-Iyana Rashil, author of Messages
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish? This program is available on-demand, so you get instant access as soon as you register. Schedule time in your calendar to go through the training at times that are best for you.
How long do I have access to the course? You get ongoing access to this program and our discussion forum. This will allow you to go through the training as often as you'd like and to circle back to access specific content or lessons as you go along.
What is the Refund Policy: Given the fact that you receive instant access to the entire program and the downloadable materials, there is No Refund associated with this offer.
Read through the information on this page as well as the testimonials of our students, to get a clear idea of the quality of training and level of support you'll receive. D'vorah is committed to delivering the best training possible and she's dedicated to her students.