Shop Owner: Dana Davis
Shop Name: KDPTemplate Studio
Shop Tagline: : Premium KDP Low Content Book Interiors and Covers, including the Canva Template
Products Featured in the Shop:: KDP Low Content Book Interiors, Book Covers, Printables, Digital Planners
Shop Description: KDPTemplate Studio is all about the quality interior of a low-content book and the cover. All of the Interiors and Book Covers come with the Canva template, which allows the Customer to customize their purchase. The Canva template is a feature that Customers enjoy because it will enable them to add their touch.
Dana, tell us a bit about you. I have been creating templates such as this for the past 13 years. If you have ever seen a contract between a Grocery store, Broker, and Manufacturer, more than likely, I MADE IT! I decided to take that knowledge that I had with creating contracts to a different level when I stumbled across D’vorah’s course “Become an Etsy Digital Shop Owner.” All I knew was I LOVED creating contracts. So why not take that love to a different level and create something beneficial to other people and they would enjoy. It was like my mind went haywire! So here I am, KDPTemplate Studio. I love it!
Testimonial About D’vorah’s Become a Digital Shop Owner course.
D’vorah’s course “Become an Etsy Digital Shop Owner” changed the course of my life. This course took a person, such as myself, with zero knowledge and gave them the confidence and skills to open a Digital Etsy Shop and produce quality Digital KDP templates. D’vorah’s training helped me narrow down my niche, customize my Etsy shop, and design that focus. Her training helped me align my thoughts and get things in order. That perfect touch is what this course taught me. I cannot thank D’vorah enough!
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