Getting Started
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Module 1 – Identify Your Journal Topic and Activities

Welcome to Week One of Create & Publish a Take Action Journal. Our focus this week is on identifying the topic for your take-action journal. A take-action journal is designed to walk people through a process that will provide them with a solution to overcome challenges they face. The first step in designing your take-action journal is to give thought to the purpose of your journal and what you’d like readers to achieve.

In this module you’ll:

1. Decide on the topic of your journal.
2. Identify activities for your readers.
3. Design your journal pages.
4. Design your activity pages.

Special Bonus – Get Featured in Our Journal Creation Showcase! Once your journal is available on Amazon, you can be featured in our Journal Creation Showcase. Simply send D’vorah a link to your journal on Amazon and we’ll get that in place for you.