Welcome and Getting Started
Module 1 - Types of Digital Content You Can Create
Module 2 - Digital Planner Layouts & Styles
Module 3 - Transform Existing Content into Digital Planners and More
Module 4: Training and Demonstrations Based on Your Questions and Requests

Module #1 Action Steps – Research and Brainstorm Ideas for Digital Planners You Can Create

This week, spend some time researching and exploring Etsy. You can also look through digital planner products that you’ve purchased. Additionally, go through your computer hard drive, to get ideas for types of content you’d like to transform into a digital planner.

Set up a dedicated file folder on your computer desktop for this course. Inside of that folder, create a sub-folder called “Planner Ideas.” Inside of that folder you can save images of planners you see on Etsy, that inspire you.

You can also create another sub-folder called “Possible Content.” In that folder, save COPIES of content from your hard drive that you’d like to transform into digital planner format.

Download this week’s Action Guide and print out the worksheets. Schedule time in your calendar to complete this activity. Have fun exploring! There are so many types of digital planners you can create.

Click here to download the Digital Planner Ideas & Inspiration Action Guide